
Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Program Application Details

About Qalaa Holdings Scholarship

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship is a form of financial support offered to students for advanced education. This scholarship foundation is sponsored by Qalaa Holdings, which is an African infrastructure and energy company. Established in 2007, the foundation aims to develop high-level individuals who will contribute to Egypt’s development across all industries by providing academic scholarships for talented and qualified young Egyptians to pursue master’s degrees overseas in a wide range of subject areas.

Eligibility Criteria for Application

To be eligible for the Qalaa Holdings Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be under the age of 35
  2. Must be an Egyptian national and reside in Egypt
  3. Have a minimum of two years of work experience post-graduation
  4. Planning to pursue studies at a top university abroad in their discipline of choice
  5. Have been accepted at the university and program of interest
  6. Excellent command of the language of study and good command of the English language
  7. Involvement with activities in civic, public, or international affairs
  8. Have genuine financial need
  9. Not a beneficiary of any other partial scholarship or grants
  10. Committed to returning to work in Egypt for a minimum of 2 years upon completion of the program
  11. Military service status must be clear (for males)

Application Timetable

Here is the application timetable for the Qalaa Holdings Scholarship:

  • January 15th: Beginning of annual scholarship round. Applicants can begin submitting applications
  • April 15th: Deadline for submitting applications
  • May: Shortlisting completed. Semi-finalists were contacted for personal interviews
  • June: Scholarship recipients announced
  • July – August: Placement and departure of scholars
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How to Apply

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation accepts applications every year from January 15th to April 15th. Applications are only accepted in hard copy – by mail or through the FedEx account. The application package must include the Qalaa Holdings Scholarship application form, copy of letter of acceptance to the University of choice, completed application form submitted to the university of choice, updated C.V., two reference letters (academic and professional), and copy of Military Certificate (for Males only).

Once it is completed, please submit your application package to the following address:

By Regular Post:

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation

P.O Box 29

Postal Code: 11516

Cairo, Egypt

By FedEx:

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation

Hold at FedEx Mohandessin office

Note: You can check that your application has been delivered and follow the application timetable. For more information, and the application form, visit our website and share this information with others.

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