How To Check Your 2023 JAMB Result Online or Through SMS

How To Check My JAMB Score

The long wait for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) results is over, JAMB has finally started releasing results. My aim is to show you how to check your JAMB result online or through SMS. Candidates can access their results via the JAMB webpage or by SMS (using JAMB shortcodes).

For the online alternative, all you need is an internet-connected device to check your results. If you do not have access to the internet or you live in an area with poor network coverage, you should use the SMS option. Though network providers, on the other hand, will charge for SMS usage.

Important Information

You can check your result using any of the methods discussed below. However, the result checking process is NOT FREE, and you may be required to pay a fee depending on the method you choose. Also, ensure that you have your JAMB Registration Number handy before checking your result, as it will be required in all the methods discussed below.

For the record, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a Nigerian entrance examination board that conducts exams for prospective undergraduates into Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. The JAMB exam is a very important exam that can determine whether or not you gain admission into any tertiary institution in Nigeria.

In this article, we will discuss the various ways to check your JAMB exam result.

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Checking via the JAMB website

The JAMB website is the official platform for checking your JAMB exam result. To check your result,

  1. Visit the JAMB website at
  2. Once on the website, login with your email and password
  3. Navigate to the “Print Result Slip” tab and click on it
  4. You will be required to pay #1,500, select a payment option and make the payment.
  5. Then go ahead to select your “Examination Year” and enter your “JAMB Registration Number”
  6. Then click on the “Print Result Slip” button.
  7. Your result will be downloaded for printing.

Checking via JAMB mobile app

JAMB also has a mobile app that can be used to check your result. The JAMB mobile app is available for download on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. To check your result using the app,

  1. Open the app, and log in with your JAMB registration number and password.
  2. Once you are logged in, click on the “Check UTME Result” button,
  3. Your result will be displayed on the screen.

Checking via SMS

Another way to check your JAMB exam result is through SMS. To check your result via SMS,make sure you have up to #50 airtime balance on your number.

  1. Send “UTMERESULT” (without space) as a text message to 55019 or 66019 using the phone number you used to register for JAMB.
  2. Your result will be sent to your phone via SMS.

Checking via JAMB accredited centers

JAMB accredited centers are centers that have been authorized by JAMB to provide services such as registration, correction of data, and checking of results. To check your JAMB exam result at an accredited center,

  1. Visit any accredited center closest to you,
  2. Provide them with your JAMB registration number.
  3. They will help you check your result, and it will be printed out for you.
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Checking via email

You can also check your JAMB exam result through email. To do this,

  1. Send a message to requesting for your result to be sent to your email address.
  2. You will be required to provide your JAMB registration number, full name, and email address.

Once your result is sent to your email, you can access it at any time.

Possible Responses You May Get While Checking for Your Result Are:

  • Dear Mr/Miss…, your jamb result is as follows…”: This means your jamb result is ready and the notification will include your exam score details.
  • This phone number was not used for registration” – Just as it says, this usually occurs if you didn’t use the same phone number used during registration to check your result. Please make sure to use the same phone number you used in registering for the JAMB exam.
  • Result Withheld”: This means your result is withheld for whatever reason(s).
  • Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you“: Due to one reason or another, if your result is being investigated, you may be required to upload some documents before it is released.
  • Candidate Absent”: You can get this notification if you were absent during the exam, regardless of your reason.
  • Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall”: If you were not cleared properly before entering the exam hall, you may get this message.


  • If your JAMB score is ready, the platform will provide you with your JAMB Notification of Result. Then, you can get a printed copy.
  • If you encounter any difficulties checking your result, it is advisable to contact JAMB support via email ( for assistance.
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Do you have any questions or comments? Drop them in the comment box below. And please, kindly share. Thanks


  1. There’s a part you’d have to select year of examination 2023 isn’t there yet so we can’t check on jamb portal

  2. There’s a part you’d have to select year of examination 2023 isn’t there yet so we can’t check on jamb portalz

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