
 The Dawn Project Competition 2023

About The Dawn Project

The Dawn Project is an advocacy project founded by a group of collaborators whose primary aim is to raise awareness and promote consciousness about the consequences of climate change through artistic expression to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment by achieving a favorable climate for our collective future.

The Dawn Project’s unique approach to the climate crisis as proposed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Nos. 13 – Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change and Its Impact is through the adoption of Art (spoken, written, musical, visual and/or movement) as a means of expressing the issues and seeking creative solutions.

 Overview of The Dawn Project Competition 2023

The Dawn Project endorses education, awareness, and advocacy as invaluable and essential measures for the sustainability of our world and the socio-economic development of communities and the nation. That is why they organize different forms of competitions that help bring together creatives from different parts of the world to help promote climate action advocacy while doing what they love most and winning amazing prizes.

The theme of this year (2023) competition is:

Nature’s Resilience: The beauty of our world.

One could infer from the theme that the competition is meant to praise the resilience of nature despite the great threats posed by humans and natural havoc over the decades. Participants may also choose to analyze the problems facing our world such as climate change, deforestation, environmental pollution and so on and profer solutions to them. This competition also serves as a medium for the contestants to show the world what they are all about, their talent, potentials and to also express themselves to the world.

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Deadline for the Dawn Project Competition 2023

The entry submission for the competition started on 21st of March, 2023 and is meant to end on 5th of June, 2023.

However, the webinar and prize giving day will take place on 26th of September, 2023.

Eligibility Criteria for the Dawn Project Competition 2023

The Dawn Project Competition 2023 is an open one with NO criteria. Therefore anybody within any age range and nationality can partake in this competition.

However, the writing category of the competition is only open to people who are seven years old and above.

Submittable Entries for The Dawn Project Competition 2023

There are three valid entries that contestants can submit for consideration for the Dawn Project Competition 2023. They are:

  1. Writing Entry: This is for individuals who have the talent of crafting words into beautiful poems and essays.
  2. Music Entry: Talented music artists can also submit their entry in form of music.
  3. Creative Design Entry: This one is suitable for people whose talent or skill is graphics design, arts or even innovation.

Other forms of entries apart from the ones mentioned above will not be recognized or considered for the competition.

Guidelines for Contestants in the Dawn Project Competition 2023

The three afore mentioned entries also have their respective procedures which you must follow while writing, recording or creating your entry for the competition.

Procedures for Music Entry:

If your talent is music and you’re willing to partake in this competition, you’re meant to compose a song relating to the theme of the competition. After composing, record your song and get it ready for submission by making sure it is in MP3 format.

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Procedures for Creative Design Entry:

If your talent or skill is graphics design, you’re expected to create a dazzling design that speaks volumes about the resilience of nature despite the challenges facing our world. If it is any other form of visual arts such as drawing or painting, after doing your thing, you should take an high quality picture of it and get it ready for submission. The final version of your entry must be in JPEG/JPG version.

  • Procedures for Writing Entry: One of the qualities of a good writer is the ability to wrap your head around any given topic and present something beautiful even while obeying some instructions and observing some restrictions. Your writing entry must either be an essay or a poetry. It must NOT exceed 200 words and it must tell something meaningful about the theme of the competition and it must be in PDF form.

However, an essay written by a seven year old can not be compared to that written by an Eighteen year old and vice versa. That is why the writing part has three different categories which are: 

  • Students Ages 7-13
  • Students Ages Ages 14-17
  • Adults Ages 18 and above

You must hereby indicate your age while submitting your written entry.

Submission Guidelines for The Dawn Project Essay Competition 2023

To ensure that your entry is considered for the competition, the following are the guidelines and procedures to submit your entry successfully.

Step 1: Connect with the Organizers

The very first thing to do before you start the entry submission process is to connect with the organizers by following them on Instagram or Twitter @Dawnprojectnetwork. This will help keep you informed about their projects and engagements. 

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Step 2: Provision of Personal information

On the submission page, contestants will be asked to provide a little information about themselves such as name, occupation, date of birth and so on. Questions may also be asked about your entry. 

Step 3: Uploading of Entry

Contestants will be asked to upload their entries as files. Written entry should be in PDF format, music in MP3 format, and creative design entry in JPEG/JPG format. The submission has no size limit but contestants are advised to keep their file as light as possible.

Click here to get started with the submission process.

Prizes to be won at The Dawn Project Essay Competition 2023

Categories & Prizes

Adult (18 & Above):

  • N200,000
  • N100,000
  • N50,000
  • Consolation prizes.

Students Ages 14-17:

  • N100,000
  • N50,000
  • N20,000
  • Consolation prizes.

Students Ages 7-13

  • N50,000
  • N30,000
  • N20,000
  • Consolation prizes.

Creative Design:

  • N200,000
  • N100,000
  • N50,000
  • Consolation prizes.


  • N200,000
  • N100,000
  • N50,000
  • Consolation prizes.

Thing to keep in mind while attempting this competition

  • All entries must be original work of the contestant and must not be previously published. Plagiarism will lead to automatic disqualification. 
  • All the entries that made it to the final stage of the competition will be expertly reviewed and the winning piece submitted for publication in a major newspaper.
  • All the entries will be expertly reviewed by a panel of Judges.
  • You may post your entry using the hashtag #DawnProjectNaturesResilience on Instagram or Twitter. Entries may also be reposted on our social media platforms. 

Goodluck from all of us at Naija School Gist as you submit your entry for The Dawn Project Essay Competition 2023.


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