
Coimbra Group Universities Scholarship for Researchers

Captivating Intro:
Are you a talented young African researcher? There’s a fully-funded scholarship opportunity for you! The Coimbra Group Universities Scholarship is open to international and domestic students and provides a chance to conduct research in Europe. Read on for more information about this fantastic opportunity.

Coimbra Group Universities Scholarship

The Coimbra Group, comprised of well-established and highly regarded European universities, was formed in 1985 to promote academic collaboration, internationalization, and excellence in learning and research. The scholarship program aims to provide young African researchers with an opportunity to conduct research and develop academic networks in Europe.

Scholarship Programme for Young African Researchers

The scholarship offers young African scholars from Sub-Saharan Africa the chance to attend universities in the Coimbra Group for brief research stays. The selected scholars will receive financial support from the member universities and must fulfill specific eligibility criteria to apply.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the scholarship, including being born on or after January 1, 1978, and being a national and resident of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa.

How to Apply/Application Deadline

Interested candidates can apply through the Coimbra Group website until April 7th, 2023. Only the participating universities listed on the website will be accepting applications for the 2023 scholarship program.

Selection Process

The administrative review of applications is conducted by the Coimbra Group Office to determine the eligible candidates. The host universities will have the final decision on selecting the candidates, and successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance.

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Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities

This program encourages mobility and academic contact between Europe and Latin America by providing grants for short research visits.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must fulfill specific criteria, such as being a national and resident of a Latin American country and holding a university degree or equivalent.

Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood

This scholarship program offers young researchers from European Neighbourhood higher education institutions short visits in Coimbra Group universities.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet specific criteria, including being born on or after January 1, 1988, and being a national and resident of one of the listed countries.

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