How to Conduct Essay Research (Part 2)

I commenced a 4-part article on “How to Write a Winning Essay” some days ago. Should you miss part one, click here to read it first before coming back to this. In the first part of this article, we laid the foundation of essay writing with an emphasis on how to write a strong introduction using some attention-grabbing techniques, developing a strong thesis statement, and identifying an essay prompt.

In this part, we would be taking a closer look at the next step after identifying an essay prompt; How to Conduct Essay Research. Yes! There’s nothing like a good or “winning essay” without good research. All great writers are great researchers.

Conducting research is one thing, but doing it the right way and using the right sources are entirely different things. So, in this article, our focus will be on how to conduct essay research, identifying reliable sources for research, then we’d conclude with how to organize your research materials. All of these steps are important, so pay attention to them and leave a question below in case you have any.

How to Conduct Research In Essay Writing

As stated earlier, research is an important step when it comes to writing a winning essay. With good research, you’re certain to garner enough ideas and information to support your essay argument.

In no particular order, under listed are key points to note when conducting essay research:

1. Identify Your Research Question:

Start by identifying the key question(s) or topic(s) that you need to research. Asking the right question around your essay topic will help you to focus your research and find relevant information.

2. Determine Your Sources:

Your source(s)  prove  the authenticity and authority with which you write about a particular topic. What type of sources do you think will be most useful for your research? Is it books, academic journals, vetted websites, or databases? You may also want to consider primary sources, such as interviews or surveys.

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3. Search for Information:

Use various search tools and techniques to find information related to your research question. These may include online databases, search engines, and library catalogs. A lot of people don’t know how to search for the information they need. When using a search engines like Google for example, you need to understand that, your search keyword will determine what the search engine displays. To get the most out of the tons of information on the web, you need to be specific and precise in your search request.

4. Evaluate Your Sources:

As you find sources, evaluate them for relevance, credibility, and reliability. Not everything that appears on the internet is credible. Beware of those blogs who are only out there to make money at the expense of offering credible information. A lot of writers now write in the areas in which they are least qualified, beware of such articles. Always consider the author, date of publication, and any biases that may be present.


5. Take Notes:

As you go through your materials, take notes on the key ideas, quotes, and arguments that you want to include in your essay. Make sure to properly cite your sources and keep track of where you found the information. This will help you avoid using someone else’s statement as yours, hence falling into the plagiarism trap.

6. Organize Your Research:

Organize your notes and research materials in a way that the whole idea makes sense to you. You could start with an outline, a mind map, or other organizational tool. This is to ensure a seamless flow when developing your argument.

7. Analyze and Synthesize Your Research:

Once you have gathered your research, analyze and synthesize the information to develop your argument or point of view. Make sure to integrate your research into your essay in a way that supports your main ideas and arguments.

By following the steps above, you would have garner loads of information through a thorough and effective research that would help you present a good essay argument.

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Reliable Sources for Essay Research

It is pertinent to note that, as an essay writer, you are informing the public and also contributing to the loads of information out there on the particular topic of interest. This is where literature review comes in research projects. Whatever source you are going to be referring to as the bases for your argument must be reliable.

Again, when conducting research for an essay, it is important to use reliable resources that provide accurate and trustworthy information. Here are some examples of reliable resources for research:

1. Academic Journals:

Peer-reviewed academic journals contain articles written by experts in the field and are often considered the most reliable source of information. They can be accessed through university, library databases or online journals.

2. Books:

Books written by reputable authors and published by established publishing houses can provide in-depth information and analysis on a topic. Hence, such books are a reliable source for your essay research.

3. Government Publications:

Government reports and publications can provide data, statistics, and policy information on a wide range of topics.

4. Websites:

Websites that end in .gov, .edu, or .org are typically reliable sources of information as they belong to government, recognized educational institution and organizations respectively. Be cautious of websites that end in .com, as they may have a commercial agenda.

5. News Outlets:

Established and reputable news outlets can provide current and relevant information on a topic. But be sure to verify the information with other sources to ensure accuracy.

6. Reference Materials:

Some reference materials such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases can provide background information on a topic. And they are good sources for your research too.

7. Interviews:

Interviews with experts, professionals, or individuals with firsthand experience on a topic can provide valuable insights and perspectives.

Conclusively, remember to always critically evaluate the sources you use for research to ensure their reliability and accuracy. This will go a long way in proving just how much you know about the topic you’re writing about.

How to Organize Essay Research Materials

Organizing your research materials is an important step in the essay writing process as it helps you to keep track of your sources and ideas, and ensures that you can easily access and use them when writing your essay. Here are some tips on how to organize your research materials:

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1. Create a System:

Develop a system for organizing your research materials that works for you. This could be a physical system, such as folders or binders, or a digital system, such as files on your computer or cloud storage. Create a system that works for you.

2. Categorize Your Sources:

Organize your sources by category or theme to make them easier to find and use. For example, you could group sources by topic, author, or type of source.

3. Label Your Sources:

Label your sources with clear and descriptive titles that will help you to identify them later. Include the author, date, and any other relevant information.

4. Take Notes:

As stated earlier, make sure to take detailed notes on your sources, including the key ideas, arguments, and quotes that you want to use in your essay. Make sure to properly cite your sources and keep track of where you found the information.

5. Create an Outline:

Use an outline to help you organize your research and develop your essay. Your outline should include the main ideas, arguments, and evidence that you want to include in your essay.

6. Review and revise:

Regularly review and revise your research materials to ensure that they are up-to-date and relevant to your essay. Remove any sources or notes that are no longer useful, and add new sources as needed.

By organizing your research materials, you can ensure that you have all the information and ideas you need to write a successful essay.


Remember this is the part 2 of a 4-part series, we have talked about writing a strong and attention-grabbing introduction, understanding thesis statement, identifying prompt and also how to carry out effective research for your essay.

Meanwhile, did you gain some new insights? I’d like to know in  the comment box below.

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