
Bible Society Nigeria’s Annual Essay Competition 2022

BSN Annual Essay Competition

The 11th edition of the Bible Society of Nigeria’s Annual Essay Writing Competition is now open for entries. This is an opportunity for motivated graduates serving their country to analyze and provide answers to Nigeria’s socioeconomic and political difficulties utilizing biblical and intellectual perspectives.

The article must be unique, empirical, and up to date in order to get published in local and international magazines.

Theme: Re-engineering Nigeria’s System for Long-Term Development

Start Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Deadline: Thursday, June 30th, 2022.

National Conference Date: Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Prizes and Awards for the BSN Essay Writing Competition

The six finalists will receive the following prizes and awards:

  • Laptop, management / motivational books, and the Bible are in the first, second, and third positions, respectively.
  • Phone, management / motivational books, and the Bible are in the 4th, 5th, and 6th positions, respectively.

Participation Criteria

  • Any prospective participant must be a member of the Nigerian Armed Forces who is currently serving his or her country in any Nigerian state.
  • He or she must continue to work until September 2022.

How to Enter the BSN Essay Writing Competition

Those interested should send their applications to


The Bible Society of Nigeria, Adebowale House, 150 Ikorodu Road, Onipanu, Lagos State, Spiral-bound hard copy

Instructions for Use

  • All entries must be typed on A4 paper with 1.5-line spacing and a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 4,000 words. The typeface should be Times New Roman, with a size of “12.”
  • A cover page for the essay should include the author’s full name, essay title, primary assignment location, current phone number, and functional email address.
  • The call-up letter and ID card must be scanned or photocopied and submitted with the essay.
  • On or before Thursday, June 30, 2022, all entries must be submitted.
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Grace Benjamin (08159094138 or and Sylvia Ogolowa (08159094112 or can be contacted for more information.

Thanks for reading. Please do share and If you have any questions or comments drop them in the comment box 

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